Should be quite easy to investigate:

gdb -p <PID>
> info threads
> thread 1
> bt

Am Samstag, dem 14.01.2023 um 13:31 +0100 schrieb klemens:
> Hi all,
> I'm struggeling with MHD_USE_POLL. Starting the daemon on debian8 with
>       daemon = MHD_start_daemon (     MHD_USE_INTERNAL_POLLING_THREAD
>                                                               | MHD_USE_POLL, 
> ...)
> on port 55301 results in a process beeing permanently active, using up
> 1 CPU completely with only a few requests every minute, though top cmd
> shows, the system is 97.5% idle, with the daemon almost permanently
> active on the first line counting up time+ with the refresh rate:
> %Cpu(s):  2,5 us,  0,0 sy,  0,0 ni, 97,5 id,  0,0 wa,  0,0 hi,  0,0 si
> top - 13:09:00 up 1 day,  1:31,  7 users,  load average: 1,09, 1,07, 1,05
> Tasks: 474 total,   2 running, 472 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
> %Cpu(s):  2,5 us,  0,0 sy,  0,0 ni, 97,5 id,  0,0 wa,  0,0 hi, 0,0 si, 0,0 st
> ...
> 35967 kginbg   20   0  131288   6228   5284 R  99,1  0,0  30:08.39 vbad
> Can anybody please help, what I misunderstand, or what I'm just doing
> wrong here.
> Thanks in advance, kginbg.

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