> From lfs-support-boun...@linuxfromscratch.org Wed Nov 27 11:07:47 2013
> From: Simon Geard <delga...@ihug.co.nz>
> To: lfs-support@linuxfromscratch.org
> Date: Wed, 27 Nov 2013 23:46:50 +1300
> Subject: Re: [lfs-support] Ethernet Card Not Found
> On Tue, 2013-11-26 at 13:27 -0600, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> > The wording in this message comes across a little too strong.  Yes, we 
> > sometimes get a little emotional about the foolishness that we see, but 
> > lets try to be a little more civil when discussing technical matters.
> > 
> That's kind of what confuses me about this whole issue... the degree to
> which discussions here and elsewhere get so heated and angry. It's
> obviously supremely important to some people - but I don't understand
> why, when to me it seems such a small thing.

Then why are you so seemingly bothered about peoples' criticisms:
"But really, what's wrong with it? All the melodrama, talking about" ..
 people getting "so heated and angry" ..
 " - but what's actually wrong with it, that makes" .. 
 "such a small thing" .. 
 "a problem for you?"

You're expending resources to try to persuade people that there's no issue 
here. Yet the very fact that you've chosen this topic to get involved in, 
would normally indicate that you do attach some importance to it. So why is 
it important to you that people regard [init misspelled as rgeard (sic!)] 
this issue - and its context (that you side-stepped in an earlier reply) - 
as not important?

Why are you bothered to be bothered? Why not just keep calm and carry on and 
accept what you're getting?


> Simon.
> -- 
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