Geoff Swan wrote:
> After installation using the LFS-7.3 book, the reboot process is not
> working, with error messages about /run being a read-only filesystem
> when attempting to execute /etc/rc.d/rcS.d/S00mountvirtfs

Do you have a symlink  /var/run -> /run?

> I noticed that rcsysinit.d is not present in /etc/rc.d. Are the scripts
> that should be in this directory responsible for re-mounting the root
> filesystem as rw?

The links in /etc/rc.d/rcS.d are run at startup.  The very first 
instruction in mountvirtfs is to mount /run.

> According to the book, it should be present. Should it have been
> installed by the lfs-bootscripts-20130123 package or have I missed seom
> vital instruction?
> "The intialization file above will instruct rc to run all the scripts
> starting with an S in the /etc/rc.d/rcsysinit.
> d directory followed by all the scripts starting with an S in the
> /etc/rc.d/rc?.d directory where the question
> mark is specified by the initdefault value."
> My current /etc/rc.d contents:
> /etc/inittab:

Those are correct.  You don't say what is in fstab.  You should have

tmpfs     /run     tmpfs    defaults  0     0

and `mount` should show:

tmpfs on /run type tmpfs (rw)

rcsysinit.d was changed to rcS.d some time ago.  IIRC it was for LFS 
7.0.  However, I do see a place in the Chapter 7 text that was not 
updated.  I'll fix that.

You may also need to check that your kernel configuration has


   -- Bruce
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