On Wed, May 29, 2013 at 09:02:02AM +1000, Geoff Swan wrote:
> After installation using the LFS-7.3 book, the reboot process is not
> working, with error messages about /run being a read-only filesystem
> when attempting to execute /etc/rc.d/rcS.d/S00mountvirtfs
> I noticed that rcsysinit.d is not present in /etc/rc.d. Are the scripts
> that should be in this directory responsible for re-mounting the root
> filesystem as rw?
> According to the book, it should be present. Should it have been
> installed by the lfs-bootscripts-20130123 package or have I missed seom
> vital instruction?
 rcS.d replaced rcsysinit.d, if my memory is correct.  Looks like
nobody has noticed that text until now, probably because nobody
reported a problem.  All the S scripts in rcS.d should run, followed
by the S scripts in rc3.d.  Your system is stopping right at the
beginning.  The rootfs is not remounted r/w until S40mountfs, at
least from my reading of the bootscripts (wouldn't be the first time
I've been wrong).

 Does /run exist, both as a directory and in /etc/mtab ?  I'm asking
that because scripts sometimes misreport the error if it is
unexpected.  If you answered yes to both of those questions, have
you changed something from what is in the book ?

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