--- Em qua, 21/11/12, Tobias Gasser escreveu:

> De: Tobias Gasser
> Assunto: Re: [lfs-support] A startup quesion
> Para: "LFS Support List"
> Data: Quarta-feira, 21 de Novembro de 2012, 20:52
> Am 21.11.2012 14:38, schrieb Fernando
> de Oliveira:
> > I thought in stripping it, but I am still not sure if
> any problem would
> > appear. What is the command you used to strip?
> i use DESTDIR on all packages, so i can loop thru all files

My scripts have a choice for DESTDIR, depending on a variable passed
when invoked.

> here the snipet for stripping:
>    OK=$( LC_ALL=C file "${line}" )
>    if [ ! -z "$( echo ${OK} | grep ' ELF ' )"
> ] ; then
>      strip -p --strip-unneeded "$line"
>    elif [ ! -z "$( echo ${OK} | grep '
> current ar archive' )"  ] ; then
>      strip -p --strip-debug "$line"
>    fi

Thanks. Debug symbols only decrease 28MB. Stripping both, decrease from
446MB to 357MB (89MB).

> > Does this include the sources (compressed and
> uncompressed) as in my
> > case? If so, please, would you post the switches used?
> what else if not the sources???

Before LO was in the book, I used to untag the libreoffice* files
outside the build directory and link them, so the build directory itself
was very small. I believe this is documented somwhere in the lists, when
I was discussing with Andy about including it here.

> here my autogen switches:

>   --with-system-db \

>   --with-system-redland \

>   --with-system-mysql \

>      --with-system-mozilla \
>      --with-system-mesa-headers \

>      --with-openldap \

>      --without-ppds \
>      --without-afms \
>      --without-myspell-dicts \
>      --without-system-dicts \
>      --without-help \
>      --without-helppack-integration \

Ok, these I do not use. Probably from there, the difference in size.

> as i'm running xfce, i need no kde or gtk3, just gtk2.

I am running less than xfce, but build with gtk3, no kde.

> it's a pitty lo is not able to check the installed
> libraries. either you 
> use --with-system-xx (or as for librsvg --enable-xx=system)
> or lo will 
> build it's own package again! even better to check for
> installed 
> libraries first to avoid even the download - last time i
> counted, i 
> could save 30 out of 100 (as far as i remember nearly 200
> out of 500g).

That is true!

Thanks again, Tobias.

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