On Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 07:08:26PM -0600, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Ken Moffat wrote:
> >   I've no idea about virtual machines, maybe someone else can offer
> > suggestions about specific changes (if any) needed - but I don't
> > recall seeing problems from them apart from selecting the right
> > kernel options.
> If the appropriate virtual file systems are mounted (/sys, /dev, /proc, 
> etc) there are no changes needed to build LFS.  From a theoretical 
> standpoint where would the changes be?  The only code that accesses hw 
> is in the kernel drivers.


 I try not to theorise these days - except when looking at problems.
I _do_ recall reading some posts, perhaps on blfs-support, where
people had problems in virtual machines.  I did say "(if any)" - I'm
happy to take your assurance that none are needed, but no closer to
understanding what has caused the OP's problem (and still not
interested in using a virtual machine).

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