thomas wrote:
> Am Sonntag, den 30.03.2014, 12:33 +0200 schrieb Thierry Nuttens:
>> Hello.
>> I thing its a very good idea to go for a possibility to choose between
>> systemd and SySV. Simply because, it's an endless debate, peoples  are for
>> SySV or for systemD, both parties are convinced by they choice.
> That is for sure true for the phase of building a LFS system but I
> cannot see a benefit in having both systems installed in the final OS.
> It is not clear to me why I would want to boot once using sysv and once
> using systemd. BLFS packages do either use systemd or not, depending in
> which environment they are built but I hardly believe that they do it as
> a runtime choice.
> Can you give me a hint why I should have both on the machine at the same
> time?  Or did I misunderstood the whole discussion?

Sure. LFS has education as a major objective.  Being able to switch 
allows users to compare for themselves.  The amount of space needed for 
both systems is negligible.

   -- Bruce
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