Slowly and surely, the programs in sysvinit are being duplicated by 
other packages.  The latest is pidof is now in procps-ng.  Playing 
around with sysvinit, I came up with a set of seds:

# In the book for some time to clarify a message
sed -i 's@Sending processes@& configured via /etc/inittab@g' src/init.c

sed -ri -e '/utmpdump/d'                   \ # Remove utmpdump
         -e '/mountpoint/d'                 \ # Remove mountpoint
         -e '/mesg/d'                       \ # Remove mesg/last
         -e 's/pidof.8//'                   \ # Remove pidof.8
         -e '/bin\/pidof/d'                 \ # Remove pidof
         -e 's/= sulogin(.8)?/=/'           \ # Remove sulogin
         -e '/INSTALL_DIR/s/..ROOT..bin.//' \ # Don't install /bin
         -e '/INSTALL_DIR.*usr.bin/d'       \ # Don't install /usr/bin
         -e '/INSTALL_DIR.*man1/d'          \ # Don't install man1 dir
         -e '/if.*lastb/,+2d'            \ # Don't make symlink for lastb

# Fix a gcc warning message
sed -i -e '/realuid/d' src/shutdown.c

All of the above are not strictly necessary as the directories already 
exist.  I removed them for testing with a DESTDIR (actually ROOT) 
install.  The lastb symlink is not created in a normal install because 
it is already there from util-linux, but that sed element is a somewhat 
unusual example that can be instructive.

What this leaves in DESTDIR is:

bootlogd  fstab-decode  halt  init  killall5  poweroff  reboot  runlevel 
  shutdown  telinit


initscript.5  inittab.5

bootlogd.8      halt.8  killall5.8  reboot.8    shutdown.8
fstab-decode.8  init.8  poweroff.8  runlevel.8  telinit.8


Is it useful to update using all of this?  The last four elements are 
not strictly needed for LFS.  We could approach this in other ways 
though.  We could create a custom Makefile or a patch for everything.

What do you think?

    -- Bruce
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