Em 19-11-2013 11:26, Alberto Senna Dias Neto escreveu:
> Hello, Fernando!
> I live in Teresina-Pi.

OK, not so far away from Natal...

> Actually, I am working on the html, not on the xml.
> I am using OmegaT ( http://www.omegat.org/en/omegat.html ) to help me on
> the translation, but it makes a mess on the html tags.
> I tryed OmegaT with the xml, and after creating the translation, the
> script for generating the book does not validate the xml. It says:
> "

Never used OmegaT.

I edit BLFS with vim (it is the last package installed in LFS). Just a
plain text editor of your choice. Geany is also very good. Other people
prefer emacs. Vim can also be installed with a gtk+ front-end, gvim,
which is what I prefer. Perhaps you are used to gedit.

> Processing bootscripts...
> Validating the book...
> index.xml:2: parser error : Start tag expected, '<' not found
> %general-entities;<!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook XML
> V4.5//EN" "ht
> ^
> make: ** [validate] Erro 1

Have just got a copy of LFS xml. In the directory BOOK, just run "make",
and it generates a book in ~/lfs-book.

But you need some packages to do it. The files INSTALL and README under
the directory BOOK, list what you need to install, know and how to run make.

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