
Only to tell you that the French translation of the LFS 7.4 book was 
released too. We've just announced and online it.

Best regards,

Le 08/09/2013 20:20, Bruce Dubbs a écrit :
> The Linux From Scratch community announces the release of LFS Stable
> Version 7.4. It is a major release with toolchain updates to
> binutils-2.23.2, glibc-2.18, and gcc-4.8.1. In total, 32 packages (of
> 62) were updated from LFS-7.3 and changes to bootscripts and text have
> been made throughout the book.
> You can read the book online at
> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/stable/, or download from
> http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/downloads/stable/ to read locally.
>     -- Bruce Dubbs
>        linuxfromscratch.org

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