Ken Moffat <zarniwhoop <at>> writes:

> ...
> What I'm reporting here are the following -
> ...
> 2. gcc
> Running /building/gcc-4.8.1/gcc/testsuite/g++.dg/asan/asan.exp ...
> FAIL: g++.dg/asan/asan_test.C  -O2  AddressSanitizer_HugeMallocTest
> Ident((char*)malloc(size))[-1] = 0 output pattern test, should match
> is located 1 bytes to the left of 2726297600-byte

    I had a similar FAILED test to your #2.  When running the test for
gcc-4.8.1 (in Section 6.17).

    I'm also following LFS-7.4rc1 "by the book" on a Dell Vostro 1520
running 64-bit Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS.

    Here's the output:
                === g++ tests ===

Running target unix
FAIL: g++.dg/asan/asan_test.C  -O2  AddressSanitizer_HugeMallocTest
Ident((char*)malloc(size))[-1] = 0 output pattern test, should match is
located 1 bytes to the left of 4299161600-byte

                === g++ Summary ===

# of expected passes            54026
# of unexpected failures        1
# of expected failures          290
# of unsupported tests          877
/sources/gcc-build/gcc/testsuite/g++/../../xg++  version 4.8.1 (GCC) 

All the best,
Enrico Bermudez

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