Matt Burgess wrote:
> On Sun, 2013-08-18 at 14:03 -0500, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> The recommendation is because it takes too much time (over an hour on my
>> system) and the tests are pretty much valueless.
> No more lacking in value from other non-toolchain test suites, surely?
> I understand that the time it takes to run them is disproportionate to
> the value of the package, but there's already a warning about the length
> of time that it'll take to run.  All I'm saying is that I don't think
> the explicit recommendation to avoid the test suite is required (user's
> can make their own minds up based on the timing note on the page).
> As an editor, I want users to be able to choose whether or not to run
> the tests based on suitable information, but when they choose to run
> them they shouldn't get any test failures if we have a) seen them before
> and b) have a known fix.
> The way the automake page is written at present, it will look really odd
> if I add a patch that fixes the test suite, only for us to then
> recommend that the tests aren't run.  But, if I don't add the patch to
> the book, folks that want to run the tests will hit the same failure
> that we already have a fix for.

OK, add the patch.  We can leave off the recommendation.  I think

Approximate build time: less than 0.1 SBU (34.1 SBU with tests)

says enough.

   -- Bruce
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