Bryan Kadzban wrote:
> Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> Bryan Kadzban wrote:
>>> ...Wait, this might be the issue.  chapter06/kernfs.html says:
>>> mount -vt devpts devpts $LFS/dev/pts
>>> but my fstab has:
>>> devpts /dev/pts devpts gid=4,mode=620 0 0
>>> The mount probably needs -o gid=4,mode=620 added.  If you add that,
>>> do both the tests start working?
>> You really need to keep up to date a little more.  We changed tty to
>> gid 5 quite a while ago (April 2012).
> Ugh, I know I need to keep more up to date.  Still on glibc 2.10.1 too.
> I don't think I've rebuilt this system in something like 4 years.  :-/
> (The reason I haven't is that I use this as my main system, so
> rebuilding LFS means also rebuilding a lot of BLFS, or at least enough
> to get ff, thunderbird, and chrome (with nacl) working, and preferably a
> bunch of games too.)
> I should probably just make another LV to build recent books into and
> use for this kind of investigation, leaving the main system to ... well,
> shall we say, age.  :-P

Well my main system aged quite well from 2005 to 2012.  I finally 
updated it because I needed to update glibc from 2.6.

>> In any case, remounting /dev/pts with the proper options did work for
>> ./testpt. Rerunning the util-linux tests with the /dev/pts mounted
>> with the proper options did indeed allow the non-root tests to pass.
> OK, let me submit that change then.
>>> ...And now that I say that, I think I have a change hanging around
>>> in my local svn repo that I never submitted, that adds this to this
>>> chapter 6 mount command.  If it fixes this, I should probably
>>> submit it.
>> I'll go ahead and make the change to the book.
> ...Or let you do it.  :-)

That's already done.

> I had a couple of explanatory paragraphs on top of just adding the -o
> flag, so I'll sync your change in and add them too.

That would be fine.

   -- Bruce

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