> Subject: [lfs-dev] lfs-systemd: interface wlp3s0 not available > > I've been playing with the systemd version of lfs, mainly as a learning > exercise. > > For some reason the interface wlp3s0 takes an age to appear. > > It seems that the kernel is not asking for the iwlwifi firmware for about 2 > minutes 10 seconds after the start of the boot. > > The only possibly relevant thing I've found in the journal log is this: > > systemd-udevd[1579]: IMPORT{builtin}: 'firmware' unknown > /lib/udev/rules.d/50-firmware.rules:3 > > Is this message udevd's response to the kernel's first firmware request? > > When the kernel requests (again?) (after the 2mins has elapsed), udev > supplies the firmware correctly. > > I must admit I don't understand what's going on - but it would be nice if I > didn't have to wait more than 2mins to connect the interface to the SSID. > > TIA for any help. > > jb.
No response from anybody? Matt, Armin - Can you suggest anything I could try to get the kernel to request the firmware immediately it detects the wifi card. It waits exactly 2 mins (to the second) before making the request. Is there some built-in delay in the kernel which is controlling this? (presumably not). Do you know what triggers the request after the 2 mins has elapsed? jb. -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-dev FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/faq/ Unsubscribe: See the above information page