Pierre Labastie wrote:
> Hi,
> I had some problems with a few tests on debian 6.0 32 bits in a VM on 64
> bit hardware.
> First pmap:
> It seems that the test expects 'pmap -X 1' or 'pmap -XX 1' to return
> only one line.
> This was not the case on the above system : a full map is returned...
> OTH, it passed on all other distros I tried (64 bit Arch, 64 bit ubuntu
> and 64 bit debian sid).
> Second vmstat:
> The test extracts the name of a partition from /proc/diskstats, and
> takes the first name of the form letter,letter,...,number as the name of
> a partition. In my case, it found sr0, which is not a partition, so the
> command 'vmstat -p <that name>' failed.
> This is not so easy to fix (the last one could be fixed by somebody who
> is fluent enough in tcl/expect regexp, which I am not).

I was meaning to bring this up again. I get

Running ./pmap.test/pmap.exp ...
FAIL: pmap X with unreachable process
FAIL: pmap XX with unreachable process

vmstat gives me:

# of expected passes    6

I think the pmap tests issues have something to do with jhalfs as I 
can't get it to fail outside of the full jhalfs build.

I modified the generated commands as below:

set +h
set -e


./configure --prefix=/usr                           \
             --exec-prefix=                          \
             --libdir=/usr/lib                       \
             --docdir=/usr/share/doc/procps-ng-3.3.7 \
             --disable-static                        \
             --disable-skill                         \
sed -i -e 's|exec which sleep|exec echo /tools/bin/sleep|' \
       -e 's|&9|9999999|' testsuite/config/unix.exp
make -k check >> $TEST_LOG 2>&1 || true
#make install
#mv -v /usr/lib/libprocps.so.* /lib
#ln -sfv ../../lib/libprocps.so.1.1.1 /usr/lib/libprocps.so
#echo -e "\n\nTotalseconds: $SECONDS\n"

With that, the tests run with no errors at all.  (I had already untarred 
the package, but it was fresh.)

For vmstat, I did get, in this case,

UNSUPPORTED: slabinfo (-m option) test disabled as /proc/slabinfo is 

# of expected passes    5
# of unsupported tests     1

but I probably could fix that by running as root.

Do you want me to send you my logs?

I could also do a full jhalfs run but modify 087-procps-ng to copy the 
logs to /tmp before the build directory is deleted.

   -- Bruce
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