Matt Burgess wrote:

> I think that's the problem.  My host (Fedora 18) calls my eth0 device
> p5p1.

What on earth are they doing?  The link
indicates names starting with en.  Without the en, it doesn't make 
things very predictable.

> So, when I run ./, none of the DEVICES strings
> match, so it only picks up my wlan0 device and populates
> 70-persistent-net.rules with that.  That leaves 80-net-name-slot.rules
> to do its thing, and give me the rather unpleasant enp7s0 device name.

> Now, once I'm booted into LFS, and run again, my
> 70-persistent-net.rules is populated with both my Ethernet & Wlan cards,
> but the Ethernet device is once again going to get a name of enp7s0.

After a 2nd reboot?

> I
> can only assume this is /lib/udev/write_net_rules (called toward the end
> of doing this?

Yes, that writes 70-persistent-net.rules.

   -- Bruce
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