Ragnar Thomsen wrote:
> On Monday 01 October 2012 22:05:39 Armin wrote:
>> If you need anything else, just ask.
> By re-installing consolekit, polkit and upower to get the service files
> installed, my system is now functional.
> I also needed to reinstall pulseaudio to fix my sound.
> One thing that was not working, was authenticating to perform root actions in
> KDE. I tracked this down to a polkit issue. After re-installing polkit it uses
> logind instead of consolekit, and logind didn't get started and hence no
> session management. I managed to fix this by adding:
> session   optional    pam_systemd.so kill-session-processes=1
> to the kde pam file. Now I can authenticate as root in KDE, but this only
> works when booting using KDM. When booting into console and then starting KDE
> by the startx command, logind doesn't get started.
> Is there a way to start logind in the .xinitrc file, similar to the ck-launch-
> session command?

I suspect you can just add it to xinitrc like any other program.  For 
example, when using twm:

# Begin .xinitrc file
xterm  -g 80x40+0+0   &
xclock -g 100x100-0+0 &
exec twm

I'm not sure how you would kill it on exit.

   -- Bruce
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