On Monday 01 October 2012 22:05:39 Armin wrote:
> If you need anything else, just ask.

By re-installing consolekit, polkit and upower to get the service files 
installed, my system is now functional.

I also needed to reinstall pulseaudio to fix my sound.

One thing that was not working, was authenticating to perform root actions in 
KDE. I tracked this down to a polkit issue. After re-installing polkit it uses 
logind instead of consolekit, and logind didn't get started and hence no 
session management. I managed to fix this by adding:

session   optional    pam_systemd.so kill-session-processes=1

to the kde pam file. Now I can authenticate as root in KDE, but this only 
works when booting using KDM. When booting into console and then starting KDE 
by the startx command, logind doesn't get started.
Is there a way to start logind in the .xinitrc file, similar to the ck-launch-
session command?

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