On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 04:57:03PM +0100, Ken Moffat wrote:
> On Sat, Aug 18, 2012 at 07:34:04AM +0200, g....@free.fr wrote:
> > 
> > I am with glibc-2.11 with chroot /etc/localtime as a copy of real 
> > /etc/localtime.
> > 
> > I don't see test failures in sed.
> > The 4 utf8 test report error 1 and XFAIL : utf8-x, so my understanding is 
> > that is intended they fail
> > All 65 tests behaved as expected (4 expected failures)
> > 
>  I've had this since forever, the earliest log I can find is from
> 2010-06-16.  But, it works ok in practice and I normally delete all
> directories after a package is built, so I've never had evidence for
> what is failing.  Now that I'm having to break my scripts to examine
> other failures, I thought I'd try to look at all the failures.
>  These utf-8 tests are expected to fail on a couple of OS's (hp and
> win), and I think they might get treated as XFAIL if you don't have
> an ru_RU.UTF-8 locale installed.
> ken@jtm1 ~ $grep -e '^FAIL' -e 'tests\ failed' \
> /home/logs/LFS-7.1-pure64/chroot/sed-4.2.1.log.check 
> FAIL: utf8-1
> FAIL: utf8-2
> FAIL: utf8-3
> FAIL: utf8-4
> 4 of 65 tests failed
> Please report to bug-gnu-ut...@gnu.org
 Since I had been able to connect to fedora gitweb, I took a look
around [ possibly, it's easier since they stopped putting everything
on one page ].  sed is on about page 243, and they have a patch:


which changes various LANG= to LC_ALL= (specifically, it causes the
test to override LC_ALL instead of LANG).  They've either been doing
that since 2009-10-14 (according to the patch) or since 2004 (fedora
bug 129014).  Either way, it fixes it for me in the finished chroot:

root@jtm1 ~$ grep -e 'utf8' -e '=====' -A 2
PASS: utf8-1
PASS: utf8-2
PASS: utf8-3
PASS: utf8-4
PASS: badenc
All 65 tests passed
make[2]: Leaving directory `/building/sed-4.2.1/testsuite'

 Bruce - if your build was already ok on sed, do you have the
ru_RU.UTF-8 locale installed ?

 Anybody else here install ru_RU.UTF-8 on recent glibc ?  Does sed
report 4 tests failed (utf8-*) without the patch ?

 I also think that ru_RU.UTF-8 locale should be added to
"the minimum set of locales necessary for the optimal coverage of
tests" in section 6.9 (depending on responses to those questions,
obviously) ?

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