On Mon, Jul 16, 2012 at 06:47:47PM -0500, DJ Lucas wrote:
> Huh, I've never heard the term Serial or Harvard, only Oxford. 
> Ultimately, I see it only as a matter of personal style, except when it 
> actually does make the sentence ambiguous.
 Agreed (including the terms Serial and Havard - I forget what I
searched for, but wikipedia can change from day to day).  For BLFS,
I've been dropping the redundant comma.  At least, I *think* that's
what I've been doing :)  For LFS, I don't think I've changed much
that is relevant to this in recent times.
> Though I've gone back and forth over the years, I find that use of the 
> extra comma is less likely to cause ambiguity than lack of use. It still 
> needs to be considered for context, but when no ambiguity exists either 
> way, I choose to include it (well...at least at this time I do).
[splutters!] but it wastes a byte!

ĸen [ NOT known for conciseness in my emails, so treat that last
remark 'cum grano salis' (with a pinch of salt, if my latin is
holding up) ]
das eine Mal als Tragödie, das andere Mal als Farce
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