Armin K. wrote:

> First check if it's necesary anymore. If it is, then just do whatever
> kind of checking if user is root before running mknod.

OK, in the mountvirtfs bootscript I added

ls -l /dev/* > /run/devlog1

Right before /dev is mounted and

ls -l /dev/* > /run/devlog2

right after.  In the first were only null and console because we create 
them in section 6.2.1.   In devlog2, well before udevd starts, null and 
a lot of other devices were present, but /dev/pts was not.

After boot completes, /dev/pts is there and I think it's because of 
udev.  From this, I do think we can remove the mknod completely, but 
think we need /lib/udev/devices/pts.  That's no big deal though.

I removed the mknod from the Makefile and updated the tarball on anduin. 
  Updating will also change the md5sum in the book.

52aa08e00f5438540d51ecf069b97a07  udev-lfs-186.tar.bz2

   -- Bruce
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