On Wed, Jun 06, 2012 at 04:48:34PM -0500, William Pitcock wrote:
> Hi,
> I apologize for the lack of proper in-reply-to headers for this, I
> don't normally read lfs-dev mailing list.
> Ken Moffit wrote at Thu May 31 17:18:25 MDT 2012:
[wearing my pedant's hat ]

 s/fi/fa/ : in my case, the spelling of my surname is the same as the
current spelling of the town from where my male ancestors came,
although others use several different spellings.

> The releases of pkgconf are not published on github due to limitations
> in the way github does releases (inconsistent md5sums are a problem,
> there is no ability to provide an autoconf-generated configure script,
> etc).
> They are published here:  http://tortois.es/~nenolod/distfiles/.
> I apologize for the confusion here, I figured most people
> experimenting with pkgconf would look at the way that Gentoo
> implemented it.
 We got there by a different path.  No matter.
> > But that is called
> > nenolod-pkgconf-pkgconf-0.8-2-g495f586.zip so I imagine it is 0.8.2
> No, that is 2 commits past the pkgconf-0.8 tag.  Again, this is a
> limitation in the way github does releases.
> > and I suspect that *could* cause funnies in packages that wish to
> > check the version (ISTR 0.9.0 and 0.16 were the big changes for
> > pkg-config, and I'm fairly sure some things require at least one or
> > the other of those versions.
> Packages check the pkg-config version by using
> --atleast-pkgconfig-version or by querying the pkg-config virtual.  We
> tell those scripts we are pkg-config 0.26.  Our behaviour is generally
> the same as pkg-config 0.26 as well.
> >
> >  No, he's thought of that, grep VERSION found
> > ./pkg.h:#define PKG_PKGCONFIG_VERSION_EQUIV "0.26"
> >
> >  I'd much prefer to deal with a released version and a tarball, so
> > on that basis pkgconfiglite sounds as if it will be a better bet.
> As previously mentioned, pkgconf has tarballs that you can use.  I
> have updated the README.md file on github to point at the tarballs,
> too.

> About pkg-config-lite, it's not likely to be maintained, and the way
> it is implemented is a massive security issue because what they do is
> take the parts of glib that are depended on and bolt them into
> pkg-config sources.  If there is a problem in those sources,
> pkg-config-lite might be vulnerable even though glib is already fixed.
>  The pkg-config-lite maintainer posted his patch to the pkg-config
> mailing list and proposed that the pkg-config authors maintain it
> instead, which is why I think it is a doomed project.
> Regarding compatibility, Gentoo (and derivitives) have switched to
> using pkgconf.  No problems have been reported in the 0.8 release
> series regarding pkgconf-specific regressions.
> William

 Thanks for your comments, but in the meantime we've done something
different (although it is perhaps related to the pkg-conf-lite
maintainer's post on pkg-config : I've no idea).

ĸen, still going through the changes in BLFS from when pkg-config
dropped out of LFS
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