On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 10:01:59AM +0200, Pierre Labastie wrote:
> Several comments on this thread :
> - I am building with jhalfs. With my configuration, it passes -03 -pipe 
> -march=native to all the builds (either 32 or 64 bits)
> except gcc, gmp (configure does a better job in finding the right 
> optimizations), grub
> and binutils where I found that I had to remove the -march flag (do not 
> remember why now).
> Never seen any failure. It always build to completion. I have tested 
> several times on a 32 bit virtual machine, also on 32 bit bare metal, 
> but maybe not the recent versions on that last one.
> - Almost everybody (I mean three distros: fedora, debian and arch, not 
> checked the others) builds glibc with -O3 now. The documentations you 
> are citing have not been modified since the early ages, and might not be 
> up to date.
 FWIW, seems to be a hardware problem : I've just built chapter 6
glibc of current svn using -O3 -pipe and make -j 2.  This is a new
mobo/cpu/RAM/disk/DVD in an old case and with the old PSU.  I
suspect the power supply isn't quite powerful enough.

 As I said earlier, repeating make -jN *after* a failure succeeded.
On the finished system from 20040419, but still in chroot (I was
building in /scratch/lfs to debug my initial desktop packages with
gcc-4.7 / current glib) I had ICEs at various places in glibc using
make -j3 (and one unrepeatable ICE in pcre using -j4).

 To be fare, the PSU was originally spec'd for an athlon 64 single
processor at 2.6 GHz and only 4 GB or RAM - now I've got 8GB and 4
real cores.  The total power draw is still mostly < 150 Watts, but
maybe the supply to the memory is marginal.  Note that memtest86 was
fine, but I don't think that stresses the cores, only the memory -
compiling glibc appears to stree both at hte same time ;-)

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