Le 22/04/2012 21:10, Bruce Dubbs a écrit :
> Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
>> On 4/22/12 2:49 PM, Pierre Labastie wrote:
>>> Solution:
>>> add the switch --with-native-system-header-dir=/tools/include to
>>> gcc-pass2 configure command.
>>> I've been building ten times on various (virtual) hosts with this switch
>>> without a problem.
>> I believe the proposed sysroot method also fixes this. I'm just
>> verifying this specific test case now.
>> At the least, LFS should do the above (if that does indeed completely
>> remove /usr/include from the header search paths), but I'd still like to
>> see it go the sysroot route due to the fact that it avoids the startfile
>> revert patch and the first adjusting the toolchain phase.
I think the sysroot method can be simplified if using the switch above:
you do not even need the part:

cp gcc/Makefile.in{,.orig}
sed '/^CROSS_SYSTEM_HEADER_DIR/s@= .*@= /tools/include@' \
     gcc/Makefile.in.orig>  gcc/Makefile.in
cp gcc/cppdefault.c{,.orig}
sed '/#define STANDARD_INCLUDE_DIR/s@"/usr/include"@0@g' \
     gcc/cppdefault.c.orig>  gcc/cppdefault.c

Suppressing that and adding the switch (to both gcc passes) to the 
sysroot method,
I have been able to build and test that there is no differences in the 
resulting system
with the SVN build (with switch).

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