DJ Lucas wrote:

> As it turns out, it was a problem with the host. /usr/lib64/ is 
> not a symlink, but rather a linker script that points to another linker 
> script that points to an invalid destination (ie: no 64bit libgpm). 

<sarcasm>Now, isn't that special.</sarcasm>

> I was going to close as invalid, but then I wondered if we want our 
> chapter 5 ncurses linked to something that does not exist in the chroot 
> environment?

It only makes a difference if we are going to actually use ncurses 
between the time we bould it in Chapter 5 and Chapter 6.  Otherwise we are just 
linking to the libraries.

However, I don't have a problem with adding --without-gpm to just avoid 
questions like this.

   -- Bruce
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