On Wed, 29 Feb 2012 20:33:49 -0800
Qrux <qrux....@gmail.com> wrote:

> Back to the unanswered question (2): Andrew, does your machine (pure-64 
> build) have the LFS-7.0-release toolchain,

It's more like current LFS svn, there are few packages that are not up
to date in my scripts but not many. With kmod I'm actually using
current git as they've fixed it to stop printing an error message if it
doesn't find modules.dep.

> and that machine has a working BIND (jail or no-jail) without the /lib64 link?

Someone with a normal x86_64 LFS system will need libgost.so
in /usr/lib64/engines but on mine named needs it to be
in /srv/named/usr/lib/engines/libgost.so

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