Fernando de Oliveira wrote:

>> What it says is "Compilation OK", not that all packages are OK.  It's
>> supposed to be a short script to allow the user to visually check the
>> actual installed packages.  That's part of the learning process.
> Yes, but is it really difficult to drop "Compilation OK" and add
> "Host  System Requirements OK/failed" ?

That would require a lot longer script.  Every line would need to be 
parsed to determine the version and then checked.  Since every line is 
slightly different, it becomes a much more complicated script.

On the other hand, each line in the script tells the user how to 
determine the version.  That information is valuable in itself.

>> Perhaps a comment.  What is the output when you run
>> /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc-2.13.so as an executable?
> lfs@VMWLFS70:~$ /lib/i386-linux-gnu/libc-2.13.so
> GNU C Library (Ubuntu EGLIBC 2.13-20ubuntu5) stable release version 2.13,

Ahh, EGLIBC.  I believe this is supposed to be binary compatible with 
glibc.  Perhaps the following would work in the script:

find /lib -name 'libc-*.so' -exec {} \; | head -n1 | cut -d, -f1

>>> 3. Binutils-2.22 - Pass 1: I have always missed the ";" in

>>      ../binutils-2.22/configure \
>>         --target=$LFS_TGT       \
>>         --prefix=/tools         \
>>         --disable-nls           \
>>         --disable-werror  &&
>>       make  &&
>>       make install
>> }
>> No semicolons required.
>>     -- Bruce
> Bruce, thank you very much for the reply and for this example.

Try the scripts below.  Change the make script to match the instructions 
for each particular package.

   -- Bruce

cat /usr/src/stats

function stats()

   # Change to match your system

   free_now=`df -k / | grep / | sed -re "s/ {2,}/ /g" | cut -d" " -f3`

   buildtime=`tail -n1 $log|cut -f1 -d" "`
   sbu=`echo "scale=3; $buildtime / $base_sbu" | bc`

   psizeK=`du -k $tarball | cut -f1`
   psizeM=`echo "scale=3; $psizeK / 1024"   | bc`

   bsizeK=`echo "$free_now - $b4"           | bc`
   bsizeM=`echo "scale=3; $bsizeK / 1024"   | bc`

   echo "SBU=$sbu"                                  | tee -a $log
   echo "$psizeK $tarball size ($psizeM MB)"        | tee -a $log
   echo "$bsizeK kilobytes build size ($bsizeM MB)" | tee -a $log
   (echo -n "md5sum : "; md5sum $tarball)           | tee -a $log
   (echo -n "sha1sum: "; sha1sum $tarball)          | tee -a $log

   echo "`date` $tarball" >> /usr/src/packages.log

TIMEFMT='%1R Elapsed Time - '

$ cat /usr/src/which/make-which-2.20

source /usr/src/stats

PROGRAM=which-2.20      # package specific

BUILDDIR=/tmp/which     # package specific

rm -rf $BUILDDIR
mkdir  $BUILDDIR
cd     $BUILDDIR

before=`df -k / | grep / | sed -re "s/ {2,}/ /g" | cut -d' ' -f3`

tar -xf $DIR/$PROGRAM.tar.?z* || exit 1

{ time \
     echo Making $TITLE

     ./configure --prefix=/usr  &&
     make                       &&
     make DESTDIR=$DEST install
     #sudo make install
} 2>&1 | tee -a $LOG

if [ $PIPESTATUS -ne 0 ]; then exit 1; fi;

stats $LOG $DIR/$PROGRAM.tar.?z* $before

exit 0
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