Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> On Sep 13, 2011, at 1:02 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
>> ntpd -q doesn't daemonize.  It just hangs.  That's why I have 
>> modified my boot script to:
> -g is still a useful flag to have. My bootscripts (and Fedora's) use 
> -g on startup for ntpd. It allows the first time correction to be 
> large (IIRC).

Yes, but I think there's another way to accomplish this, without the
long delay inherent in using -q.  If we can sync from the hardware clock
at boot time, then the user only has to manually adjust (or run ntpd -q
manually, and wait for it) whenever something else goes and changes the
hardware clock, or on first boot.

If the system boots with a large discrepancy between the timeserver and
the kernel (as when the hardware clock is not UTC, or (?) you don't use
the HCTOSYS kernel compilation option), then ntpd -q does fix the issue.
But that extends the boot time by several seconds on every boot, when it
may or may not be necessary to do so.

If the user can rely on a boot happening a short-enough time after a
shutdown (I can :-) ), then they can just save the system clock to the
hardware clock at shutdown time, restore it from there at boot, and (as
long as nothing else has changed the hardware clock in between) skip
running ntpd -q on each boot.  It doesn't have to be perfect, it just
has to be less than the ntpd threshold.

(And, of course, the clock-setting has to happen before the ntp script

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