On 04/18/2011 07:56 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Matthew Burgess wrote:
>> On Mon, 18 Apr 2011 12:56:42 -0600 (MDT), matt...@linuxfromscratch.org wrote:
>>> Log:
>>> Upgrade to Coreutils-8.11. Fixes #2858.
>> Note that I'm currently trying to figure out what broke 2 tests with this
>> upgrade.  misc/help-version and misc/invalid-opt are failing for me due to
>> the list of built programs that the Makefile generates including some
>> spurious commands before the list of binaries.
> I ran patch&&  configure&&  make&&  make check.  The first time, I did
> get the errors you mention, but then tried to determine what is going on
> by modifying the patch and redoing the build.  After that, I couldn't
> get the error to repeat, even when I used the full procedure.  Note that
> I never did an install.
> I also tried on a ubuntu system (x86_64) and got no failures at all.  I
> did skip the root tests.
Same results here. Same two tests failed exactly once. Unable to 
reproduce after that. I'd exit chroot and start over, but I'm manually 
(slowly) running through DESTDIR currently.

-- DJ Lucas

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