On 10/26/2010 09:44 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> Drew Ames wrote:
>> Now I have another question. How do I make the patch in the link above
>> into a .patch file that I can apply?
>> Do I fill out the Submitted By, Date, Initial Package Version,
>> Upstream Status, Origin, and Description, at the top, paste in the
>> information from the link starting at the line with the diff command,
>> and then give it all a .patch extension?
> You need an original and a modified version:
> diff -u modified orig > name.patch
> Then edit the patch to add the other info at the top.  The 'orig' and 
> 'modified' are generally the package top level directory as in:
> orig:
>    file.c
> modified:
>    file.c
>    -- Bruce

Generaly the process is as follows:

tar -xf package-1.2.3.tar.gz
cp -R package-1.2.3/ package-1.2.3-orig
cd package-1.2.3
patch -Np1 -i patchfile
# from affected directory (typical for svn or git diffs as usually
# p1 is a/ and b/)
cd ..
diff -Naurp package-1.2.3-orig/ package-1.2.3/ > \
vi package-1.2.3-fixes_something_bad-1.patch

Then just add needed header information (copy from an existing patch and
modify as needed). The p flag in the diff command is not required, and
not mentioned in the editors guide (at least last time I checked
probably about 5 years ago), but is a nice to have addition if you later
have to manually apply against a different version.

-- DJ Lucas

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