Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> Hey All,
> So with my LightCube OS project (which is actually nearing first alpha 
> release), I am at the point where I need to decide what to do for boot 
> scripts. I have been using LFS and BLFS scripts up to now, but I'm not 
> sure if I will continue to do so in the future.
> (I also played with systemd, which is really cool, but it's not 100% 
> yet, in my opinion, nor does my OS generally need it, due to its goals).
> It depends on a couple of things, really. Firstly, what's the goal of 
> LSB compliance with the scripts, and how far away is that? I want to 
> meet that, if possible.
> Secondly, is there any likelyhood that LFS/BLFS will want to adopt 
> chkconfig for their scripts. It's dead easy to set up, but it does 
> require modifying the scripts to contain runlevel and order information, 
> and a description (no big deal, really). chkconfig also is a super small 
> package with no need to use crazy dependencies (unless you want to use 
> the semi-graphical ntsysv program).
> Thoughts?

If there were updates to the bootscripts to make them LSB compliant, I 
would support that.  I think that the chkconfig program should be 
deferred to BLFS though.

   -- Bruce
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