On 01/07/10 09:23, splotz90 wrote:
> Here is an example:
> /dev/sda1 -->  LFS-system ( / partition)
> /dev/sda2 -->  unformatted partition
> /dev/sda3 -->  boot partition ( /boot)
> the fstab:
> ...
> /dev/sda1 /            ext3    defaults    1    1
> /dev/sda3    /boot    ext3    defaults    1    1
> ...
> If the LFS-user decides to delete the unused partition (/dev/sda2) we
> will have the following:
> /dev/sda1 -->  LFS-system ( / partition)
> /dev/sda2 -->  boot partition ( /boot)
> But if we are still using /dev/sda3 for /boot in fstab, the mount of the
> boot partition will fail (/dev/sda3 doesn't exist anymore).

I think your first problem would be that if you move your /boot 
partition grub will not be able to find any of it's files and you will 
need to find a CD/USB stick to boot from to fix your now broken system. 
The fact that the bootscripts fail to mount the /boot partition is a 
small problem in comparison.

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