On 30/06/10 21:09, Sebastian Plotz wrote:
> If the root parameter (in the linux command) is omitted, then the kernel
> will use the partition it was compiled on.
I think you're right. I've just tried what linux fan suggested and it 
didn't work. The kernel panic message on the screen said it was tying to 
mount /dev/sda12, my /home partition, the partition on which the kernel 
was compiled.

> So if you have compiled the kernel on /dev/sda1, the kernel will try to
> mount /dev/sda1 as root partition (only if the "root-parameter" is
> omitted).
> I think this will work in some cases (but you can't rely on it): Some
> LFS-Users may compile the kernel on /dev/sda2 and want to use /dev/sda1
> as their root partition.
> Please correct me, if I'm wrong ...

I think you're right.

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