Am Mittwoch, den 30.06.2010, 19:41 +0200 schrieb Sebastian Plotz:
> Am Mittwoch, den 30.06.2010, 13:44 +0100 schrieb Andrew Benton:
> > But it won't boot very far. The kernel won't be able to mount its root 
> > partition unless you manually edit the grub.cfg or compile the kernel 
> > with an initramfs
> > 
> > Andy
> Yes, and it will work if you're using a separate boot partition ...
> This means: GRUB can find the kernel (and the initrd, if used) when the
> device of the boot partition has changed.
> After that, the kernel can mount the root partition (the device of the
> root partition must not be changed). But it's important that a UUID will
> be used for the boot partition in /etc/fstab.
> So we can say in the book:
> "The search lines are only meaningful if your are using a separate boot
> partition and a UUID entry for this partition in /etc/fstab."
> ... or we simply remove this sentence from the book.
> Sebastian
Small update:

"The search lines are only meaningful for LFS systems if a separate boot
partition and a LABEL or UUID entry for this partition in /etc/fstab is


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