Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> The Linux kernel is updated relatively often, many times due to 
> discoveries of security vulnerabilities. The latest available 2.6.33.x 
> kernel version should be used, unless the errata page says otherwise.
> We are up to at
> There is no way we can keep up with the kernel changes for a stable 
> book.  We do try to update svn a bit more frequently.
>    -- Bruce
You are right, LFS cannot keep up with the kernel changes.

I already informed the maintainer of the code too (David Miller).

But I think at least a NOTE in the stable LFS's errata would be suitable,
to prevent others (probably few) from running into the same troubles.
It took me a very long time to catch this error (with fun).

btw. looking quickly at the code of and, these kernels will
probably expose the same problem.

        -- Claus

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