On 06/01/10 04:59, Bryan Kadzban wrote:
> Andrew Benton wrote:
> Before the nilfs2 FS is mounted, I assume you mean.  Because it doesn't
> make much difference whether the symlink exists before the rootfs is
> mounted -- the kernel (or initramfs...) does that before any bootscripts
> run, anyway.

Yes,it does make a difference. I was talking about when the root file 
system is an NILFS2 partition. When a NILFS2 partition is mounted 
mount.nilfs2 starts nilfs-cleanerd, if it can't find / in /proc/mounts 
it won't start, no garbage collection gets done and the partition fills 
up resulting in an out of memory error.

>> The kernel knows where the root is because it was passed it as an
>> argument by grub, it's available in /proc/cmdline
> Yes, but the value is not necessarily symlinkable: an NFS mount target
> is not, for instance. I wouldn't be surprised if nilfs-cleanerd choked
> on that as well;

That is not relevant. nilfs-cleanerd wouldn't need to run on an NFS mount.

> the best fix here (IMO) is to change nilfs-cleanerd to
> special-case the rootfs, or (if that's impossible because your rootfs is
> nilfs2) use an initramfs, since you'll need that anyway.

I don't need to use an initramfs, one line in the mountfs bootscript is 
much simpler and works fine.

>> Ideally I'd like udev to create the symlink, but I don't know how to
>> do that. It'd have to grep /proc/cmdline for every disk partition.
> See:
> http://marc.info/?l=linux-hotplug&m=117715210620479&w=2
> and:
> http://marc.info/?l=linux-hotplug&m=117725092825439&w=2

Thanks for the links. I'm going to go and read them.

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