On Thursday 24 December 2009 01:37:20 Bruce Dubbs wrote:
> linux fan wrote:
> > On 12/23/09, ALIP BUDIANTO wrote:
> >> The LFS team may just install wget without the deps but also tell a
> > 
> > I didn't think wget or even ftp would work before getting internet
> > connection, which for me, requires installing dhcpcd.
> If it's your own dhcp server, you don't have to use it to start.  Just 
> pick an unused address until you get to the dhcp client in BLFS.
> If it's an ISP's dhcp server, set up you own router with LFS + BLFS dhcp 
> server for you local network and dhcp client for the ISP address.

I think, that people mean dhcp client, that shipout in dhcpcd.


  - ptr
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