32bit kernel, right?. Probably it's the kernel remaping mem. PAE is
quite slow. It's an old tale ;).

On 11/30/09, tho...@equinox.homelinux.org <tho...@equinox.homelinux.org> wrote:
> Hi all,
> this some kind of Off-Topic since it has nothing to do with LFS at all. I
> send this to this list because I know that there are quite a lot geeks and
> experienced people out there who may have a hint for me.
> Have you ever seen a machine which has too much RAM installed? We have a
> brand new HP (DL380G6) server here with 48G RAM installed. It has an p410i
> and a p800 SAS controller connected to a MSA70 with 1TB usable disk space.
> There are 2 Quad-Core-Xeon (X5560) with hyperthreading (a total of 16 CPUs).
> As an OS there is s SuSE SLES10 installed and as DB-Software (because of
> which we have this machine) Oracle10g.
> The problem:
> When we create a file which is 32GByte large (for instance using dd
> if=/dev/null of=test.dat...) the copy process runs very fast up to round
> about 29-30GB slows down quite immediatly and the workload increases up to
> loadavg=35 or so. It finally results in a non-responding machine where we
> can only press the reset-button.
> What we did:
> Adding the mentioned 30GB plus the rest what the OS itself is using it
> adds up to quite exact 32GB. We removed 6 of the 12 RAM modules (every has
> 4GB) so that the machine now has less that 32GB RAM (exact 24GB). The dd
> command runs quite fast until the file was created and nothing special is
> seen on the machine - everything worked as expected.
> Do you have an idea what the 32GB-limit could be? Or what could make the
> machine to behave the way it does?
> Our next step will be to test that all with the 64-bit stuff but it should
> work on 32bit too, isn't it?
> Any ideas?
> Thank you!
> Thomas
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Ismael Luceno
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