2009/11/30  <tho...@equinox.homelinux.org>:
> Hi all,
> this some kind of Off-Topic since it has nothing to do with LFS at all. I
> send this to this list because I know that there are quite a lot geeks and
> experienced people out there who may have a hint for me.
> Have you ever seen a machine which has too much RAM installed? We have a
> brand new HP (DL380G6) server here with 48G RAM installed. It has an p410i
> and a p800 SAS controller connected to a MSA70 with 1TB usable disk space.
> There are 2 Quad-Core-Xeon (X5560) with hyperthreading (a total of 16 CPUs).
 Actually, I _have_ seen a machine with too much RAM installed, but I can't
remember the details.  What I do remember is that wih a bit too much RAM
(but still a common desktop amount) it wasn't all cached.

 This is a 32-bit kernel ?  If so, I'll guess it's a problem creating buffers
(Bruce replied ... maybe HIGHMEM64G will fix it for you) and you *really*
should be using a 64-bit kernel (I suspect you might also benefit from
64-bit userspace, but who knows).

 vmstat might be useful (no, I don't know any details about how best to
use it).

 The MagicSysRQ key might perhaps show what is going on, but that is
probably not available in an enterprise kernel.

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