On 10/14/2009 12:13 AM, ALIP BUDIANTO wrote:
> Can someone explain removing some bash code from 5.23 Gzip that breaks
> the compiler because, "../../gzip-1.3.11/lib/utimens.c: In function
> 'utimens':" happend so Bruce anyone that has access the the book put
> for i in gzip.c lib/utimens.h lib/utimens.c; do
> cp ${i} ${i}.bak
> sed --expression="s/futimens/gl_futimens/" ${i}.bak>  ${i}
> rm ${i}.bak
> done

No version of the LFS book uses Gzip 1.3.11. The current Development LFS 
uses Gzip 1.3.13, in which that futimens problem has been fixed so no 
source code modification is necessary.
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