Nathan Coulson schrieb:

> I have been experimenting with a multilib LFS System (where /lib,
> /usr/lib are used for 64bit, and /lib/32, and /usr/lib/32 are used for
> 32bit).  I wanted something as close to LFS as possible, primarily
> 64bit, but just enough 32bit so if I wanted to compile something
> 32bit, I could.

i myself like this approach with lib + lib32.

having a look at the
standards use /lib + /lib64 for i86_64 systems. but IA64 has only /lib
with everything 64 bit.

the standard was finished in 2004 where most i86-64 systems had full 32
but only partial 64bit support.

looking at nathans approach to have full 64bit with just a few 32bit
libs arroud for compatibility issues, his proposal is very reasonable
for me. i guess with his lib+lib32 even most BLFS scripts can be used as
they are, just very few will need special handling.

for me a multilib system does not mean everything with both flavours,
nathans description seem to be the way i'd like it.

if your intention is to build a really full blown multilib system, fsh
compliance will be fine for me too. but having a 64bit system with some
32bit libs i vote for nathans way of doing it.

the key sentence in the fhs-doc is "... such binaries are expected to be
numerous". imho, this assumption is no longer valid! it's quite the
other way round nowadays. the next sentence "IA-64 uses a different
scheme, reflecting the deprecation of 32-bit binaries (and hence
libraries) on that architecture." fits much better.

even most BLFS scripts should run fine out of the box with this aproach,
where as with all in lib64 i guess most scripts will have to be updated.
going the hard way to move everything to lib64 will delay blfs once
again as every package has to be tested.

i never tried to build a 100% fhs-compliant system. there are just to
many questions i couldn't get an answer:

i couldn't find anything about the X11 library path. the paragraph just
mentionned /lib and /lib64. as the usual /usr/lib and /usr/lib64 seem to
be covered by this paragraph too, X11 must have the libs in its lib64 too.

what about the kernel modules. they will be 64 bit, don't they have to
be in /lib64/modules?

udev: the tools like ata_id, cdrom_id must be placed in /lib64/udev as
there 64bit. but the /lib/udev/rules.d must stay in /lib as these files
are NOT architecture dependent.

perl: most will be in /lib/perl as they are architecture independent
(.pm, .pod, .pl). but some libraries (.a, .so) must be moved over to

i know i once made a list with questions, but can't find them now.


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