   Nice job on updating half the outstanding tickets.

Now I'd like to discuss the other half.

#2093    Add a new section for multiple boot loaders

I don't think this is necessary.  When the next version of GRUB2 is released, I 
think that will cover what we need.

#2412    Add more rationale to Toolchain Technical Notes

Who do we get to advise us on this one?

#2196    LSB compliance for LFS

I submitted this ticket.  We can't do this in LFS alone.  It requires some 
substantial work in BLFS to complete.  I think an overview page in the Preface 
of Chapter 1 would cover almost everything needed for LFS itself.  There may be 
a couple of minor changes, e.g. symlinks, to the rest of the book, but 
otherwise, it shouldn't need a lot of changes.

#2489    psmisc --exec-prefix="" and killall path

This does not seem to be a major issue.  And could be addressed on it's own 

#1682    RFE: Mentioning optional dependencies

This is just a matter of looking at the packages and doing it.  It could be in 
each section of Chapter 6, the Introduction, or an Appendix.  No instructions 
need to be changed.

#1673    Why is each package in the book?

This should be in an appendix and like #1682, just a matter of writing it up. 
No instructions need to be changed.

#2033    Create initramfs

I think this one should be closed as won't fix.  The reason for a initrd is for 
those systems that don't know in advance which drivers are needed for accessing 
the boot files.  That really isn't an issue for LFS where you build a custom 
Linux kernel.  Add to that the ability of GRUB2 to access many systems such as 
LVM directly.  Overall it's just not needed for LFS.

If we want to add it to BLFS, then that is a possibility.


About the only other thing I can think of that is a candidate for LFS would be 
to add instructions for multi-lib.  To me this is the only thing that should be 
a candidate for LFS 7.0.  Anything else would be LFS 6.6 with a target release 
somewhere around next February.

   -- Bruce
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