second try. the first with attached logfiles (194kb) seems to hang arround somewhere since 3 hours now. if anybody wants to help me, please send a mail and i'll send you the logfiles.
* * * i've finished chapter 6. had to adjust some of my scripts, but no problems except the GMP issue with ABI=32 and perl. i now reformatted the partition to run the scripts unattended and had to learn the perl issue is not rally fixed. about 3 out of 4 runs fail. i've actually no idea why. i just run configure and make, then remove the source-tree and restart with extracting the tarball. the config produces always the same logfile. but the make differs: whenever the make fails, i have no "finding dependencies..." in the log, the job starts with compiling. successfull makes seem to run something like a "make depend" first. to be able to have at least 1 of 4 runs with success i had to patch a little: sed -i -e "[EMAIL PROTECTED]@BUILD_ZLIB = False@" \ -e "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED] = /usr/include@" \ -e "[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED] = /usr/lib@" \ ext/Compress/Raw/Zlib/ # to get nm -D, without -D configure # can't find any symbols in sed -i -e "[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] -D -u@" \ hints/ # Dusedl waits for input thus pipeing the # path is required to run the script unattended echo ext/DynaLoader/dl_dlopen.xs >_t ./Configure -des \ -Dprefix=/usr \ -Dvendorprefix=/usr \ -Dman1dir=/usr/man/man1 \ -Dman3dir=/usr/man/man3 \ -Dpager="/usr/bin/less -isR" \ -Dusedl <_t # with a little help from google i got the following sed -i -e "[EMAIL PROTECTED]@libs = -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc@" \ -e "[EMAIL PROTECTED]@perllibs = -lnsl -ldl -lm -lcrypt -lutil -lpthread -lc@" \ Makefile make make test even when the make is sucessfull i get 3 failures in the make test. i now have installed perl ignoring the errors in the test. i will run the rest of chapter 6, going on building the kernel and makeing the system bootable. any help welcome!!! thanks in advance tobias -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above information page