David Jensen wrote:
> On Tue, 03 Jun 2008 17:10:00 -0500
> Bruce Dubbs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> 1. Both bootscripts and udev-config directories have been moved to be
>> under the BOOK directory.
> I see the bootscripts/ChangeLog is not ASCII, and hasn't been for four
> years:
> <snip line=771>
> failure in the init.d/checkfs script.  Tested with the help of Andre
> Müller.  Fix suggested by Zack
> </snip>
> Doesn't really matter, but it should be ASCII.

Yes, it is a 0xfc character.  I'm not sure if we should bother to change it or 
not.  We could change it to a u but it would require changing the tarball date 
because it would change the md5sum.  I'd say that we should try to remember to 
do that the next time we update any of the scripts, but as you say, if we 
forget, it won't hurt anything.

   -- Bruce
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