I have just made some relatively large changes in the LFS build procedure. 1. Both bootscripts and udev-config directories have been moved to be under the BOOK directory.
2. The Makefile has been updated to automatically generate the bootscripts and udev-config tarballs. The entities that specify the tarball size and md5sum are automatically updated in the build, but those changes are not inserted into svn. Instead the entities have unique strings that are substituted with calculated values in the build process. What this means is that the process to update bootscripts is now to change the appropriate file in BOOK/bootscripts and update the entity in packages.ent <!ENTITY lfs-bootscripts-version "20080522"> To have the current date. Likewise, for udev-config, update the files in BOOK/udev-config and the entity <!ENTITY udev-config "udev-config-20080522"> Everything else is automatic. I also added an appendix to publish the bootscripts there. If a new directory is added, it will require updating a bash script (process-scripts.sh), but new files within existing directories will be handled automatically. I will be adding another for the udev-scripts. -- Bruce -- http://linuxfromscratch.org/mailman/listinfo/lfs-dev FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/faq/ Unsubscribe: See the above information page