On Fri, Apr 4, 2008 at 7:28 AM, Alexander E. Patrakov
> Dan Nicholson wrote:
>  > On Thu, Apr 3, 2008 at 8:15 PM, Alexander E. Patrakov
>  > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  >> Dan Nicholson wrote:
>  >>  > You really need gawk, not mawk.
>  >>
>  >>  Then please add gawk and bison in Chapter 5 before binutils, to 
> accomodate
>  >>  Debian-based LiveCDs and PCLinuxOS, respectively.
>  >
>  > The host requirements specify _Gawk_ 3.0. I really would prefer people
>  > just check the host requirements instead of shoehorning temporary
>  > packages at the beginning of the chapter. For an automated
>  > environment, maybe, but it would just be clutter in the book.
>  For a regular distro, I would agree. For a third-party LiveCD, I disagree.

I still don't think instructions should be special for this situation.
If you chose a host that doesn't provide the necessary development
environment and doesn't provide the means to acquire the necessary
environment, then that probably wasn't the best choice. Instead, I'd
rather that the hostreqs page said "If you're host doesn't contain the
necessary requirements and doesn't provide a means to acquire them,
see the instructions in Ch. 6 as a guide to building them."

Today it's bison and gawk. Maybe tomorrow it's make or flex. The
entire point of the Host System Requirements page is to establish a
baseline from where to start. I don't think it's wise to start adding
workarounds for that unless there's a really compelling reason. IMO,
these are compelling enough reasons.

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