2008/3/17, Greg Schafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Hi Alex, interesting. A couple of questions/observations.
> - Does the problem exist when Grub installation is run in its preferred
> native mode as per the Grub docs? ie: not run from within a running Linux
> kernel, but instead run from eg: a floppy before any OS is loaded?

Yes. In both modes, Grub interprets the filesystem using its own
driver, not the kernel driver, and the problem is that its own driver
doesn't understand new ext2 filesystems.

> - There is nothing stopping folks from changing the default Inode size
> back to 128 via editing /etc/mke2fs.conf or via a command line switch.
> LFS could just warn, yes? That's not so horribly broken, is it?

This is probably true, but going this route means that one can no
longer boot the host distro if its kernel is on the new ext2
filesystem (that was aready created, and thus it is too late to change
it). Thus, it is not acceptable.

> - LFS could change its install paradigm. There is no need to create the
> target partition immediately from the outset. For example, I
> intentionally changed this aspect in the DIY Refbuild in order to avoid
> the situation that's occurred in the past whereby creating a target fs
> with a too new E2fsprogs (think Fedora host) causes incompatibilities
> with the (older) version being installed.

Correct, this also opens the opportunity to explain the procedure of
backing up LFS with tar, installation onto LVM2, or making a cluster
of NFS-root machines.

> > Did anyone investigate the boot loader options further? What should be
> done for
> > LFS-7.0?
> What about Grub2? The time must be getting near.. Anyone use it?

Version 1.95 was not installable at all if root is on LVM2 (even if
/boot is on a plain partition). They released version 1.96 on March,
3, and it is indeed a good idea to test it. According to Debian, this
particular incompatibility doesn't affect Grub2, but it still uses its
own ext2 driver and thus is not protected from this kind of bugs in
the future.

Alexander E. Patrakov
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