Alexander E. Patrakov wrote:

> Some people do want to use LFS in production. There are only two ways to deal 
> with this situation: make LFS work perfectly, or drive them away from LFS, 
> e.g., 
> by including somewhere in the preface some concrete missing features that 
> make 
> LFS unsuitable for production use, and give some foundations to the fact that 
> these features are really required.

We still disagree with the concept of "make LFS work perfectly".  It
does for me and for the LFS project.  The two servers, quantum and
anduin get a *lot* of traffic.  They are certainly "in production".
They also work fine:

 23:18:44 up 281 days

 22:18:26 up 157 days

AFAIK, the only time they have ever been down is when there have been
hardware problems.

  -- Bruce
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