On Tue, Mar 4, 2008 at 9:16 PM, Alexander E. Patrakov
>  Still, please provide them. With only 8 editors who answered the poll,
>  the correlation coefficients involving the "I am an editor" checkbox
>  have an expected relative error of 35%, and you can bring this down to
>  33% (just a joke - the error of estimating the error is of course
>  larger than those 2%).

What package management requirements the book uses aren't really that
important to me, which is why I didn't answer. I'd much rather just
follow what the community wants. But, if you're interested in what I
consider important from a package manager, you can probably put an X
in every box. After messing around with my own package manager and
finding out all the limitations, I realized I really do want all those
features provided by the big guys, even at the sacrifice of some

I personally lean towards RPM because I'm most familiar with Fedora
and I conceptually like the idea of keeping all the information in a
single file, unlike dpkg where you have a splattering of files. But I
wouldn't be opposed to any package manager that people want to use, no
matter how simplistic. I'm always free to do what I want to do.

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