Gerard Beekmans wrote:

> If at the end of the day the current DocBook setup can no longer deliver 
> what we need, and nobody can find a way to make it work, then we'll have 
> to do what it takes to get the job done. Staying with 
> DocBook/XML/whatever is never a requirement. We'll use what we need to.
> G

Most likely it wouldn't support the multiple options, as it's currently
implemented. Making a DTD segment for each pm and having each pm tagged
appropriately would enable keeping most of the current text intact.
Since it's an XML format, one DTD for basic structure, with additional
DTD for the different pms / other modules as selected.
[ figuring the modular, custom book idea. ]
If the user selects to use dpkg, then a small bit if DTD is added into
the document headers to define th dpkg specific code blocks.

The only issue is that the book sources will be much larger, having a
section for each difference being supported.

Using CSS to style the sections, can be one css for all versions, since
if a particular item is never called it just gets ignored by the user agent.
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